Nissan leaf
electrify the world
As a pioneer of electric vehicles, Nissan wants to be at the forefront of sustainable living
They want to enable people to live their best and most eco-friendly lives
For this, we partnered with professional surfer and small business owner Michelle des Bouillons during Nazare 2019 - 2020. A world renowned surf competition which takes place every year from November - March.
Not only did we kit her out with the latest edition of the Nissan Leaf along with sustainable wetsuits and surfboards. We even used extra portable Leaf batteries to charge the filming equipment, making our campaign with 100% Leaf power.
shot on location in Nazare, Portugal
An even more ambitious project under the same brief was to potentially flip Nissan’s ‘Electrify the World’ statement and not only use the power of the Leaf, but use the power of the waves to generate clean energy to power the Leaf as well.
Nazare is said to be home to the biggest waves in the world during the winter months.
By positioning a hydroelectric-generator that sits at the perfect wave height we can harness the power of the waves, connecting the generated power to a Nissan electric charging port on the Nazare seafront.
Meaning, thousands of surfers who live in Nazare for 1/4th of the year have a place to charge their EV’s, knowing they are being powered by the waves they love.